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as Protest To Polish Atrocities«.

— »New York Herald Tribune*, 16. XI., ст. «15.000 in Rain Protest Abuse of Ukrainians. 82 Organizations Here March in Demonstration Against Polish Atrocities. Mass Meeting is Held. Editor Reports Homes of His Countrymen Burned*.

— »The Scranton Sun*, 5. XI. 30, «Church Folks Moan Fate of Kin in Europa*.

— »The Scranton Sun*, 8. XI. 30, «Meeting Called by Ukrainians*.

— »The Scranton Times*, 8. XI. 30, «Ukrainian Mass Meet in Town Hall To-morrov. — Over 5.000 Expected to Attend When Pastoral Letter Will be Read. Olyphant Singer

— »The Scrantonian*, 9. XI., «Ukrainian Will Protest Against Palish Cruelty*.

— ~»The Scranton Republican*, 10. XI. ЗО, ст. «Ukrainians Hold Big Protest Meet

— Duquesne Professor Pleads For Request of Polish to Discontinue Persecutions*.

— Allentown Morning Call*, 17. XI., «Ukrainians Protest Treatment Accorded Countrymen by Poles. Telegrams Forwarded Following Dramatic Meeting in Downtown Hall«.

— »Boston Traveler*, 15. XI., «Hub Ukrainians Plan To Protest Polish Cruelty*.

— »The Boston Herald*, 17. XI., «Ukrainian of Boston Protest Polish Policy In Homeland. Speakers Declaire That Troops Oppress Their Countrymen in Eastern Galicia/ under 25 Year Mandates

— »Detroit Sunday Times*, 16. XI., оголошує знинку з протест, походу в Ді-тройт і ст. п. з. ^Protest Ukraine Reign of Terror*.

— »Hudson Daily Star*, 17. XI. ЗО, ст. »Ukrainians Held Protest Meeting Sunday.

— Local Body Adopts Resolution Against Polish Outrages in Ukraine. — Copy Is sent League of Nations Sec.*

— »Cleveland Nbwb«j 16. XI., містить знимку з маніфестації в Клівленді та ог. п. з. »Parade Staged by Ukrainians. — Thousands Here Protest Against Polish „Reign of Terror".«

— »Cleveland Plain Dealer«, 16. XI., »Parade Protests Rule by Poland. Ukrainian Groups Rally to Demonstrate Against Persecutions*.

— »The Toronto Evening Telegram«, 18. XI., містить довше інтервю з п. Калинкою, що як раз вернув із Галичини, п. з. ^Ukrainians are victims of Terrorism by Poles. 4,000.000 in East Galicia in Condition of Serfs to Polish Govt., Ochava Ukrainians Says — Beaten and Robbed«.

— »Tfte Troy Records, 17. "XL, »Ukrainian Church Protest Actions«.

— »The Pottsville Journal*, 17. XI., »Minersville Citizens Protest Oppresion«.

— »The Troy Times*, 17. XI., »Memorial Services«.

— »The Saint Paul Pioneer Press*, 12. XI., »Ukrainian Here Assail Alleged Polish Outrages«.

— »Minneapolis Stare, 17. XI., »Ukrainians Here Condemn Poland«.

— »The News-Tribune«, Providence, 17. XI., ^Ukrainians in R. I. Protest Polish Rule«.

— »The Minneapolis Journal*, 17. XI., »Ukrainians Here Unite in Protest. Condemn Polish Policy in Worldwide Move. — Seek Independences

— »Cohoes American*, Cohoes, 18. XI., »Cohoes Ukrainians Protest Alleged Inhumane Acts*.

— y>Holyoke Daily Transcript and Telegram«, 21. XI., »Ukrainian Groups send Protest to Secretary Stimson*.

— »The Manchester Guardian*, 21. XT., ст. п. з. »In the Ukraine U. S. Correspondent's Arrest. A. Hush Effort. Treatment of Political Prisoners«.

— »Buffalo Courier Express«, 24. XI., »Voice Protest Against Polish Acts in Galicia*.

— y>The Bayonne Times*, 21. XI., »Ask Baird, Kean Take Steps For Ukrainian Probe«.

— »The Allentown Morning Call*, 11. XI., »Ukrainian Protest Polish Indignities.

— Northampton Mass Meeting Asks Secretary Stimson To Intervene*.

— »The Detroit News«, 16. XI., »Protest Made by Ukrainians*. By Philip A. Adler.

— »Holyoke Daily Transcripts, 14. XI., »Ukrainians Protest Alleged Atrocities of Polish Troops*.

-— »Detroit News*, 16. XI., by Negley Farson: » Brutal Terror Rules Galicia. — Reporter Arrested for Getting Fakts After Invitation. By Envoy to U. S.«. Статтю цю передруковали: »Chicago Daily News« і »Buffalo Evening News*.

— »Manchester Guardian Weekly*, 28. XI., »Poland, Germany and England«.

— »The Scranton Times«, 10. XL, »Resolutions Adopted At Ukrainian Meeting. Urged United States Goverment To Investigate Stories Of Persecution in Poland*.

— »Scranton Republican*, 11. XI., »Ask Officials To Intercede for Ukrainia. Local Ukrainians Charge American Citizens Rights Violated by Polish Soldiers In Eastern Galicia. — Also Claim Goverment Suppresses Dispatches«.

' — »The Scranton Sun«, 11. XI., »Ukrainian Ask Safety of Kin«.

— »The Scranton Republican*,. 17. XI. 30, »Services are conducted in Memory of Ukrainians*.

— »The Scranton Sun*, 17. XI., »Church Holds Mourning Day For Ukrainians. Atrocities Protested*.

— »Minersville Free Press*, 18. XI., »Ukrainians Hold Protest Meeting*.

— »The Philadelphia Record*, 1. XII. 30, »15.000 Phila. Ukrainians Flay Polish Rule. — U.. S. Aid Asked in Putting End to Terrorism. Atrocities and Persecution Denounced by Parading Thousands. League Quiz Sought. National Independence Called Only Solution of Problems

— t>The Philadelphia Inquirer«, 1. XII., s> Ukrainians in Phila. Assail Polish Rule. Demand Establishment of National State for 7,000.000 Minority*.

— »Public Ledger*, 1. XII., »Ukrainians Here Demand Liberty. 3.000 Denounce Reported Cruelty of Poles Under Piłsudski in Their Homeland*.

— »The Manchester Guardians, 21. XI., »In the Ukraine Peasants Beaten ahd Killed«.

— »The Manchester Guardians, 21. XI., «Atrocities in the Ukraine*.

*_ Chicago Daily Newssy 4. ХП. «Women Here Protest Conditions in Poland*.

— »Rochester Democrat and Cronicle«, 17. XI., «Justice Asked by Ukrainians in Resolution*.

— »The Providence Journals, 17. XI., «4.000 Ukrainians on Parade Here. March in Protest Against Alleged Polish Atrocities Warsaw's Rule Attacked*.

— »Winnipeg-Evening-Tribunes, 22. XI., cr. л. 3. «Unrest Blamed on Oppreslon of Ukrainians*.

— »Free Press Evening Bulletins,

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