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Українські Книги Онлайн » Наука, Освіта » Ялта. Ціна миру - Сергій Миколайович Поганий

Ялта. Ціна миру - Сергій Миколайович Поганий

Читаємо онлайн Ялта. Ціна миру - Сергій Миколайович Поганий
Averell Harriman Papers; Paraphrase of embassy’s telegram, December 28, 1944, no. 176, December 28—31, 1944, Averell Harriman Papers; cf. FRUS: Yalta, 63—66.


FRUS: Yalta, 66—68, 77.


Переклад Б. Тена та В. Гуменюка. Вільям Шекспір. Зібрання творів у 6 томах. Том 1. К.: Дніпро, 1986. — 536 с.


FRUS: Yalta, 589—90; Bohlen, Witness to History, 181.


Moran, Churchill at War, 276.


Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 138.


FRUS: Yalta, 660—61, 671—72; Крымская конференция, 87—88; Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference, 23—24; СССР и германский вопрос, 334—35.


FRUS: Yalta, 661—63, 672—73, 682—83; cf. Крымская конференция, 88—91, 104—5; Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference, 24—25; Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 139—45; Bohlen, Witness to History, 193; Clemens, Yalta, 218—20.


FRUS: Yalta, 554; Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference, 25; Cadogan, Diaries, 705.


Ржешевский, Сталин и Черчилль, 421—22; FRUS: Yalta, 663—65; Крымская конференция, 91—93; Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference, 26—27.


FRUS: Yalta, 665—67, 676—77; Крымская конференция, 94—97; Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference, 27—28; Byrnes, Speaking Frankly, 36; George Scott, The Rise and Fall of the League of Nations (London, 1973), 310—12.


Byrnes, Speaking Frankly, 37; Moran, Churchill at War, 275—76.


FRUS: Yalta, 658—59.


Beevor, The Fall of Berlin, 74—75, 87—88.


Hugh Trevor-Roper, ed., Final Entries 1945: The Diaries of Joseph Goebbels (Barnsley, UK, 2007), 39, 102, 183; Ian Kershaw, Hitler 1936—1945: Nemesis (New York, 2000), 775—78.


FRUS: Cairo and Teheran, 599—600; Molotov Remembers, 53.


Hugh D. Phillips, Between the Revolution and the West: A Political Biography of Maxim M. Litvinov (Boulder, CO, 1992); Albert Resis, “The Fall of Litvinov: Harbinger of the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact,” Europe-Asia Studies 52, no. 1 (2000): 33—56.


“The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and the Baltic States: An Introduction and Interpretation,” Lituanus: Lithuanian Quarterly Journal of Arts and Sciences 35, no 1 (Spring 1989): 8—46.


Djilas, Conversations with Stalin, 69—70; Валентин Бережков, Как я стал переводчиком Сталина (Москва, 1993), 221—26.


“Hitler and Molotov Meetings. Berlin, November 12 and 13, 1940. Official Transcripts,”; Г. Л. Розанов, Сталин и Гитлер (Москва, 1991), 167—79.


Розанов, Сталин и Гитлер, 180—81.


Paléologue, An Ambassador’s Memoirs, 1: 91—95.


Бережков, Как я стал переводчиком Сталина, 52, 56—57.


“Comrade Molotov’s Visit,” Time, November 25, 1940; Lloyd C. Gardner, Spheres of Influence: The Great Powers Partition Europe from Munich to Yalta (Chicago, 1993), 75—85.


Molotov Remembers, 14—20.


Molotov Remembers, 16; Winston S. Churchill, The Second World War, vol. 3: The Grand Alliance (Boston, 1950), 370; Иван Майский, Воспоминания Советского посла: война, 1939—1943 (Москва, 1965), 139—74; Davis, No Simple Victory, 94—98, 160—65; Glantz, FDR and the Soviet Union, 59—87; Jonathan Fenby, Alliance: The Inside Story of How Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill Won One War and Began Another (San Francisco, 2006), 64—76.


Jonathan Fenby, Alliance, 666—67, 676, 925; Крымская конференция, 96; Roberts, Stalin’s Wars, 50—51.


СССР и германский вопрос, 322—23; Molotov Remembers, 14—20.


FRUS: Yalta, 103—6; Henry Kissinger, Diplomacy (New York, 1994), 17—55, 369—93.


Kathleen Harriman to Mary, Moscow, January 13, 1945, no. 176/5, January 11—16, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers.


“Cordon Insanitaire?” Time, December 27, 1943.


Kennan, Memoirs, 519—21.


СССР и германский вопрос, 333—60.


Ржешевский, Сталин и Черчилль, 418—26; Churchill, Triumph and Tragedy, 227; Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, 7:992.


Churchill, Triumph and Tragedy, 73—79; Gardner, Spheres of Influence, 184—92; Reynolds, In Command of History, 458—60.


Churchill, Triumph and Tragedy, 208.


Hanson W. Baldwin, “British Move in Greece,” New York Times, October 6, 1944; “Area of Decision,” Time, October 9, 1944.


Churchill, Triumph and Tragedy, 227; Ржешевский, Сталин и Черчилль, 418—26; Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, 7:991—95; Reynolds, In Command of History, 458—60; Gardner, Spheres of Influence, 199.


Ржешевский, Сталин и Черчилль, 429—35; Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, 7:1001; Eden, The Reckoning, 483.


“Area of Decision,” Time, October 9, 1944; cf. Whittaker Chambers, Ghosts on the Roof Selected Essays (New Brunswick, N.J, 1996), 102.


“Translation of article by G. Malinin,” December 21, 1944, no. 176/2; Averell Harriman Papers, “Interpretative Report on Developments in Soviet Policy Based on the Soviet Press for the Period October 13—December 31, 1944,” no. 9, 2, no. 176/4, January 6—10, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers; “Extract from cable February 6, 1945, from the Acting Secretary to the Secretary of State,” no. 176/10, February 6—9, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers.


Geoffrey Roberts, “Litvinov’s Lost Peace, 1941—1946,” Journal of Cold War Studies 4, no. 2 (Spring 2002):

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