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Ялта. Ціна миру - Сергій Миколайович Поганий

Читаємо онлайн Ялта. Ціна миру - Сергій Миколайович Поганий
(Montreal, 1990); О. Ю. Захарова, Светлейший князь М. С. Воронцов (Симферополь, 2004).


Birse, Memoirs of an Interpreter, 180; “On the completion of the preparatory measures,” ГАРФ, r-9401, op. 2, d. 94, fols. 1—18.


From Argonaut to Governor [of] Malta, January 31, 1945: Please pass to General Ismay from Miss Bright, box 337, book 10: Yalta Conference, group 24, folder 2, Harry Lloyd Hopkins Papers, Franklin D. Roosevelt Library; Birse, Memoirs of an Interpreter, 182; Sarah Churchill, Keep on Dancing, 74—75.


Boettiger, Yalta Diary, 19.


Kruglov’s memorandum to Beria, January 27, 1945, ГАРФ, r-9401, op. 2, d. 92, fols. 238—40; Eberhardt, “My Most Secret Mission,” 4.


Kathleen Harriman to Miss Marshall, Yalta, February 1, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers.


“On the completion of the preparatory measures,” ГАРФ, r-9401, op. 2, d. 94, fols. 25—27; Юрченко, Ялтинская конференция, 168—71; Molotov Remembers. Inside Kremlin Politics: Conversations with Felix Chuev (Chicago, 1993), 19.


Н. Г. Кузнецов, Курсом к победе (Москва, 1975), 443; Юрченко, Ялтинская конференция, 163—64.


“On the completion of the preparatory measures,” ГАРФ, r-9401, op. 2, d. 94, fol. 27; Birse, Memoirs of an Interpreter, 178; FRUS: Yalta, 571; Kathleen Harriman to Mary, Yalta, February 4—10, 1945, no. 176/9, February 1—5, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers.


Birse, Memoirs of an Interpreter, 178—79; “From I. M. Maisky’s Diary,” in O. A. Ржешевский, Сталин и Черчилль. Встречи. Беседы. Дискуссии. Документы и комментарии, 1941—1945 (Москва, 2004), 494; Kathleen Harriman to Mary, Yalta, February 4—10, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers.


“On the completion of the preparatory measures,” ГАРФ, r-9401, op. 2, d. 94, fols. 16—25.


Felix Youssoupoff, Lost Splendor: The Amazing Memoirs of the Man Who Killed Rasputin (New York, 1954; repr. New York, 2007), chap. 26.


Felix Youssoupoff, Lost Splendor, chap. 26; Francis Pridham, Close of a Dynasty (London, 1956).


Hiroaki Kuromiya, Stalin (New York, 2005); Simon Sebag Montefiore, Young Stalin (New York, 2007); Simon Sebag Montefiore, Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar (New York, 2003); Anne Applebaum, GULAG: A History (New York, 2003).


“On the completion of the preparatory measures,” ГАРФ, r-9401, op. 2, d. 94, fols. 16—25.


J. Otto Pohl, The Stalinist Penal System: A Statistical History of Soviet Repression and Terror, 1930—1953 (Jefferson, NC, 1997), 112—18.


«Дело Еврейского антифашистского комитета», Альманах: Россия XX век, Международный фонд «Демократия» ; Shimon Redlich, War, Holocaust and Stalinism: A Documented History of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR (Luxembourg, 1995), 45—49; Yuri Slezkine, The Jewish Century (Princeton, 2004), 286—97.


Alexander Chubariyan and Vladimir Pechatnov, “Molotov ‘the Liberal’: Stalin’s 1945 Criticism of His Deputy,” Cold War History 1, no. 1 (August 2000): 135—36.


Terry Martin, The Affirmative Action Empire: Nations and Nationalism in the Soviet Union, 1923—1939 (Ithaca, NY, 2001); Jan Gross, Revolution from Abroad: The Soviet Conquest of Poland’s Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia (Princeton, 1987); Timothy Snyder, The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569—1999 (New Haven, CT, 2003).


Martin H. Folly, Churchill, Whitehall and the Soviet Union, 1940—45 (New York, 2000), 44—45; Cadogan, Diaries, 597; Harriman and Abel, Special Envoy, 385; Frank Costigliola, “‘I Had Come as a Friend’: Emotion, Culture, and Ambiguity in the Formation of the Cold War, 1943—45,” Cold War History 1, no. 1 (August 2000): 105.


Анатолий Громыко, Андрей Громыко. В лабиринтах Кремля (воспоминания и размышления сына) (Москва, 1997), 176; Molotov Remembers, 20, 45, 54; Milovan Djilas, Conversations with Stalin (New York, 1962), 73.


Крымская конференция руководителей трех союзных держав — СССР, США и Великобритании, 4—11 февраля 1945 г. Сборник документов (Москва, 1979), 45—46; Charles Bohlen to John Martin, February 3, 1945, Livadia Palace, no. 176/9, February 1—5, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers; “Memorandum of Conversation. Present: Molotov, Pavlov, Harriman, Page,” Moscow, January 18, 1945, no. 176/6, January 17—20, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers; “Memorandum of Conversation. Present: Harriman, Bohlen, Molotov, Pavlov,” February 4, 1945, no. 176/9, February 1—5, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers.


Крымская конференция, 46—48; Public Record Office, Kew, London, Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/63, Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference held at Malta and in the Crimea from 1st February to 11th February 1945. Office of the War Cabinet, S.W. 1, 12th March 1945, copy no. 21, 9 (надалі цитується як Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference).


Крымская конференция, 48—49; Churchill, Triumph and Tragedy, 347—49; Birse, Memoirs of an Interpreter, 182—83; Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, 7:1173; British embassy memo on Map Room requirements, no. 176/5, January 11—16, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers; Freidel, Franklin D. Roosevelt, 507—8; Meacham, Franklin and Winston, 141—42.


Greg King, The Court of the Last Tsar: Pomp, Power and Pageantry in the Court of Nicholas II (Hoboken, NJ, 2006), 451—52.


FRUS: Yalta, 574; Крымская конференция, 53; Kathleen Harriman to Mary, Yalta, February 4—10, 1945, no. 176/9, February 1—5, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers.


Bohlen, Witness to History, 180; Boettiger, Yalta Diary, 21, box 84, folder 11, Anna Roosevelt Halsted Papers.


Крымская конференция, 49—53; FRUS: Yalta, 570—73.



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